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Big Stud Podcast

Mar 31, 2021

Big Stud Podcast Ep. 78- GO TO WAR with Jon Paramore *EXPLICIT*

Today Mike and Jon discuss their coaching initiative. They've had multiple people go through their 90-day "SMASH Pod" successfully. 

"When you're willing to sit down and commit everything you have to make yourself's incredibly impactful."

Jon discusses why SMASH was created; to assist when people feel "stuck". SMASH stands for SALES, MARKETING, AUTOMATION, SYSTEMS, and HIRING. 

Jon and Mike will be doing quarterly events together this year as part of their SMASH Pod. 

Mike asks what the biggest change Jon's seen with this recent collaboration. Jon answers by saying they provide two different approaches which equal a perfect combination to assist the people they coach. 

Jon discusses his past and how he's experienced "crashing and burning" and having to build something from scratch and how much you learn through the process. 

Mike brings up a question that's difficult to answer: WHAT DO YOU WANT? and WHY? 

Jon says we all intrinsically know what we want, but things happen that make you suppress them. What you want shouldn't be surface level, it should having a deeper meaning.  

The next step in establishing what you want is determining HOW to make it happen. When that seems like an impossible task, people bury their wants with distractions and settling for things they're unhappy with. 

A big key to getting what you want is not letting go of the belief that you can achieve it. 

Mike adds there's a level of selfishness you need to have to accomplish your dreams. 

"The world needs the real you, stop watering yourself down."- Jon

Check out the full hugely impactful episode now!


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