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Big Stud Podcast

Oct 28, 2020

BSS Podcast Ep. 56 –  Ryan & Mike’s Top 3 Childhood Cartoons

Mike and Ryan take a step back from their regular business programming and offer some entertainment talking about their top 3 cartoons from their childhood! How young are these guys lol?!

What’s your favorite childhood cartoon?!!


  1. Doug Funny
  2. Hey...

Oct 21, 2020

BSS Podcast Ep. 55 –  The power of being vulnerable

Mike and Ryan chat about the power of being authentic, raw and vulnerable to your audience. People want to see progress; they want to see your struggles, and your wins, so it resonates within them.

They speak about how “stories” in Facebook and Instagram...

Oct 14, 2020

BSS Podcast Ep. 54 – Importance of getting client reviews and testimonials

Ryan and Mike chat in this week's episode about how important it is to have reviews and testimonials.

It can be a struggle asking and just getting clients to give the time to give one. Mike discusses it further about certain processes you could...

Oct 7, 2020

BSS Podcast Ep. 53 – Two headed dragon on this one...

How to make money and how to sell your business differently that sets yourself apart.

Ryan and Mike discuss a couple different topics on this week’s show.

The first one is Mike takes on how you need to be creative in order to keep the revenue flowing during the...