Oct 7, 2020
BSS Podcast Ep. 53 – Two headed dragon on this one...
How to make money and how to sell your business differently that sets yourself apart.
Ryan and Mike discuss a couple different topics on this week’s show.
The first one is Mike takes on how you need to be creative in order to keep the revenue flowing during the off season or winter months.
You don’t need to have the tool belt on to be the creative mind on who to contact, where to search for clients and how to go to market in order to make money. He uses his personal example of his company, EC Grading and Demo. Mike has zero to limited actual grading and hands on construction experience. However, his forte is in business and communication, which adds value to his 50/50 ownership company to help make money for him and his business partner. His business partner is the operations and equipment manager that adds value to help make them money.
The ability to understand the/a problem, lean into it and embrace the uncomfortableness of it will help you to get creative and grow to make money for you and your business.
The second topic of this episode Ryan discusses is about how out of date some marketing strategies are saying how much experience they have. It doesn’t hold value as much as telling people a more unique story. Saying you have been in business for 30 years just isn’t enough anymore for someone to make a decision to hire you on.
USP (Unique Selling Proposition) is what you need to identify so you can stand apart, that is emotionally connecting that you can shout from the roof top to let people know what you do.
Tune in to this episode to hear more and tag us, leave a comment on social media!
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