Nov 11, 2020
BSS Podcast Ep. 58 – What’s upcoming for the holidays?
This week Mike and Ryan get back to talking business on what you can and should be doing as the holidays approach.
The guys discuss how there is usually an incredible amount of ‘noise’ on social media and other places in terms of holiday advertising. Get ready, get organized now, because come Black Friday through the month of December, advertisers and businesses are ready to spend ad dollars.
They talk specific examples of how you could value stack your offerings or extra service to your offer VS playing with coupons, price and discounts.
Be unique, be entertaining, and be special as eyeballs on your posts are being constantly competed for. Ryan shares how ‘extras’ are great ideas but really anything entertaining in order to stand out from the crowd.
Your community in which you serve are generally the ones that are keeping you in business. Consider giving back in some way by working with your local chamber or business association, contributing or hosting a fundraiser or other meaningful event. Of course, document it, as people genuinely care about who they are working with or buying from.
Bottom line differentiate yourself this holiday season. Find a niche if needed, you may not need the masses but you definitely need to resonate withing some of them!
Tune in to this episode to hear more and tag us, leave a comment on social media!
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