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Big Stud Podcast

Jan 27, 2021

BSS Podcast Ep. 69 – How to get into a flow state for business owners

This week Mike and Ryan broadcast from the WinRate Consulting retreat that took place a few weeks ago. They both sit down to discuss how important it can be to get into that ‘flow state’ or concentrated zone, where distractions are...

Jan 20, 2021

BSS Podcast Ep. 68 - 2021 Social Media for the Home Service Industry

Ryan and Mike talk this week about how to be utilizing social media if you are a home service provider.

The guys run down a list of platforms HSP could be on and share ideas and examples on what they would do.

They stress that the most important thing...

Jan 6, 2021

BSS Podcast Ep. 66 – Goal Sharing!

This week is the first week of the year and Mike and Ryan are sharing their goals with everyone!

Ryan shares his business goals of increasing his revenue by $50,000 but operating at a 50% margin. He’s not interested in going to next level, he would have to expand his staff,...