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Big Stud Podcast

Jul 16, 2020

BSS Podcast Ep. 41 – Mike’s newest business venture

This week Mike and Ryan chat about Mikes newest business venture of starting a residential grading and demolition company. Partnering with a good buddy and former co-worker, turned general contractor, they are excited to prove themselves.

Proof of concept is the goal for rest of this year. However, a need was identified by both parts as the general industry was lackluster at best, still stuck in the dark ages of mailed invoices and subpar communication skills.

His partner is strong in operations and on-site management and Mike is spearheading the front end, client facing, business side to conglomerate into a modernized approach to this niche in the industry.

Mike missed being back in the mix a bit and this was a way of re-entering, partnering up and building a business that he could one day pass on. He reiterates that it’s coming down the pipeline, but they want to do it right without needing the immediate money by starting to quickly.

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